Fulfills Promise to Enhance Website Accessibility Follows Through on Commitment to Improve Website Accessibility, the popular online platform for organizing local events and activities, has followed through on its commitment to improve website accessibility for all users. The company announced in October 2020 that it was taking steps to make sure its website is accessible to people with disabilities, including those who are blind or have low vision.

The company said it had been working with experts from the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a global community dedicated to making web content more accessible and usable by everyone regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Meetup’s efforts included updating code, improving navigation and providing better support for assistive technologies such as screen readers used by people who are blind or have low vision.

In addition, Meetup also worked closely with members of the disability community throughout this process in order to ensure that their needs were taken into account when developing new features and improvements. This included hosting focus groups with disabled individuals so they could provide feedback on how well Meetup’s changes met their needs and expectations.

As part of these efforts, Meetup also launched an accessibility page which provides information about how users can access different parts of the site using assistive technology such as screen readers or voice recognition software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking® . It also includes tips on how users can customize their experience based on their individual needs and preferences. Additionally, there is a link where users can report any issues they encounter while using the site so that they can be addressed quickly by Meetup’s team of developers and engineers.

“We believe strongly in creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome,” said Scott Heiferman , CEO at Meetup . “That’s why we’re committed not only to making our website more accessible but also actively engaging members from diverse backgrounds.” He added: “Our goal is not just compliance but true inclusion — ensuring every person has equal access no matter what challenges they face.”

To further demonstrate its commitment towards creating an inclusive environment , Meetup recently partnered up with several organizations focused on disability rights advocacy including National Federation Of The Blind , American Council Of The Blind And Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund . These partnerships will help ensure that disabled individuals have access to resources needed for them participate fully in society without facing discrimination due lack physical ability .

As part of this initiative , meetups now offers free tickets disabled attendees at certain events hosted through its platform . This allows those who may otherwise be unable attend due financial constraints take advantage opportunities available them within local communities across country .

By following through its promise improve website accessibility , meetups shows dedication towards creating world where everyone able enjoy same experiences regardless physical limitations faced them day-to-day life . With continued effort from both companies involved parties alike , hope see even greater progress made future when comes providing equal access digital spaces all citizens around globe

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