Nexcess and The Trevor Project Partner to Support LGBTQ Youth with New Online Store Donations

Nexcess, a leading provider of eCommerce hosting solutions, has announced its partnership with The Trevor Project to benefit LGBTQ youth. Through the new online store, Nexcess will donate proceeds from sales to support The Trevor Project’s life-saving work.

The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people. Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR®, The Trevor Project provides free and confidential services to LGBTQ youth in need of help or support.

“We are proud to partner with The Trevor Project,” said Chris Wells, CEO at Nexcess. “At Nexcess we believe that everyone should have access to safe spaces where they can be their true selves without fear or judgement.”

The new online store features apparel and accessories designed exclusively for this collaboration between Nexcess and The Trevor Project. All proceeds from sales will go directly towards supporting The Trevor Projects’ life-saving work providing crisis intervention services such as 24/7 phone lines staffed by trained counselors who provide immediate assistance when needed most; text messaging programs; chat rooms; social media outreach; resources for educators and parents on how best to support LGBTQ youth; research initiatives into suicide risk factors among LGBTQ populations; advocacy campaigns that promote acceptance of all individuals regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; workshops about understanding gender identity development in children ages 3–12 years old as well as teens 13–18 years old ;and more .

“We are so grateful for our partnership with Nexcess which allows us to continue our mission of saving young lives every day,” said Amit Paley , CEO & Executive Director at TheTrevorProject . “This collaboration helps ensure that no matter what challenges an individual may face due to their sexual orientation or gender identity , they know there is someone out there who cares .”

To further show its commitment towards creating a safe space for everyone , Nexcess also launched an internal diversity initiative called #BeYourTrueSelf . This initiative encourages employees within the companyto express themselves authentically while promoting inclusion across all aspects including race , religion , age , disability status , veteran status , national origin / ethnicity / ancestry / culture / language( s ) spoken etc .

With this partnership between two organizations dedicated towards making a difference in society through technology and innovation comes hope – hope that together we can create a better future where everyone feels accepted regardless of their background or beliefs . By joining forces with each other we can make sure no one ever feels alone again .

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