WordPress Themes Team Launches Community Themes Project

The WordPress Themes Team has proposed a new initiative to create Community Themes. This would allow users to contribute their own themes and have them included in the official WordPress Theme Directory.

The idea of creating Community Themes was first discussed at WordCamp Europe 2019, where it was suggested that the community should be able to submit their own themes for inclusion in the directory. After some discussion, the team decided that this could be a great way to increase diversity and give more people access to high-quality themes.

In order for this initiative to work, there are several steps that need to be taken:

1) Establishing guidelines for theme submissions – These guidelines will ensure that all submitted themes meet certain standards before being accepted into the directory. This includes things like coding standards, accessibility requirements, etc.

2) Setting up an approval process – Once a theme is submitted by a user, it must go through an approval process before being added to the directory. This will involve reviewing each theme against established criteria and ensuring it meets all necessary requirements before being approved for inclusion in the directory.

3) Creating an online repository – In order for users to easily find and download community-created themes from within WordPress itself, an online repository needs to be created where these can be stored and accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

Once these steps have been completed, any user who wishes can submit their own theme designs or modifications of existing ones into this repository which can then potentially become part of the official WordPress Theme Directory if they pass muster during review processes conducted by members of both teams (WordPress Core & Theme Review).

This initiative has already received positive feedback from many members of both teams as well as other members of the wider WordPress community who see its potential benefits such as increased diversity amongst available options on offer via WP’s official channels; improved quality control over what is made available; better support options due greater numbers having access/experience with particular designs; plus additional opportunities for developers looking make money off customizations/additions built upon existing frameworks etc…

Overall this looks like another great step forward towards making sure everyone gets access not only high quality but also diverse range of choices when selecting suitable design solutions tailored specifically towards individual needs & preferences! It remains now just wait & see how quickly we get closer realising full potential behind such exciting concept!

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