A critical flaw in the popular e-commerce plugin WooCommerce can be used to compromise WordPress websites, according to security researchers. The vulnerability, which was discovered by Wordfence Threat Intelligence team, affects all versions of WooCommerce prior to 4.7.0 and could allow attackers to gain access to sensitive data stored on a website’s database or even take control of the entire site.
WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems (CMS) in the world today, powering more than 35% of all websites on the internet. As such, it has become an attractive target for malicious actors looking for ways to exploit its vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive information stored on its databases. One such vulnerability is found in WooCommerce – a popular e-commerce plugin developed by Automattic Inc., which allows users to create online stores within their WordPress sites.
The vulnerability was discovered when Wordfence researchers were analyzing how third-party plugins interact with WordPress core files and noticed that WooCommerce had been using an outdated version of jQuery Migrate library since 2015 – leaving it open for exploitation by hackers who could use this flaw as a way into vulnerable sites running older versions of WooCommerce. This would enable them not only view but also modify any data stored within those databases without requiring authentication credentials from administrators or other users with higher privileges.
Fortunately, Automattic Inc., released an update shortly after being notified about this issue that patched up this particular vulnerability and addressed other security concerns related to cross-site scripting (XSS). However, if you are still running an older version of WooCommerce then you should upgrade immediately as your site may still be at risk from potential attacks exploiting this critical flaw in order protect yourself against any further damage caused by malicious actors attempting unauthorized access into your website’s database or taking control over your entire site altogether..
It’s important for webmasters and developers alike who rely heavily upon WordPress CMS platforms like Woocommerce understand just how serious these types of vulnerabilities can be – especially when they involve third party plugins interacting directly with core files like jQuery Migrate Library – so they can take steps towards mitigating any potential risks associated with them before it’s too late! Additionally, regular updates should always be applied whenever available as these often contain patches addressing newly identified security issues that have yet been exploited by hackers seeking out vulnerable sites across the web landscape today!