Installing WordPress on your localhost is a great way to test out new themes and plugins before making them live on the web. It also allows you to develop websites without having to purchase hosting or domain names. In this article, we’ll show you how to install WordPress on your localhost in just a few easy steps.
Before getting started, it’s important that you have the following installed: Apache server, MySQL database, and PHP scripting language. If you don’t already have these programs installed, there are several free packages available online such as XAMPP or WampServer which will provide all of these components for Windows users. Mac users can use MAMP (Mac OSX) or AMPPS (Windows). Once you have one of these packages installed, move onto the next step.
The first step is downloading WordPress from their official website at After downloading the latest version of WordPress, extract the files into a folder called “wordpress” inside your htdocs directory (or www directory if using MAMP). This will be located in whichever program file folder was created when installing either XAMPP or WampServer etc…
Once extracted into its own folder within htdocs/www/, open up phpMyAdmin from either XAMPP Control Panel (Windows) or Applications > MAMP > Tools > phpMyAdmin (Mac). Create a new database by clicking “New” in the left-hand navigation menu and entering a name for it – this can be anything but make sure it doesn’t contain any spaces! Now click “Create” and then select your newly created database from the list on the left side of phpMyAdmin’s interface.
Next we need to configure our wp-config file so that our installation knows where our database is located and what credentials should be used when connecting with it during setup process later on down below.. To do this open up wp-config-sample found inside /wordpress/ directory with Notepad++ editor software then enter correct information under DB_NAME , DB_USER & DB_PASSWORD fields like so:
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘yourdatabasename’); // The name of your Database
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”); // Your MySQL password – leave blank if no password set
Save changes made above then rename wp-config-sample file simply as “wp-config” . Now go ahead & launch http://localhost/wordpress URL address via browser window which should take us straight away towards famous 5 minute installation screen seen below :
On this page fill out all required information such as Site Title , Username , Password & Email Address . Make sure not to forget about checking box marked “Allow search engines…” since otherwise Google won’t index pages hosted locally ! Finally hit Install button once done filling out form details after which point we’ll get redirected towards login page where we can access freshly installed copy of Wordpress CMS system running off localhost environment ! Congratulations – You’ve successfully Installed Wordpress On Localhost !