Another Major Plugin Hack Targets WordPress Sites


WordPress sites are being targeted with yet another major plugin fraud campaign. This time, the attackers are using a malicious plugin called “WP-VCD” to inject malicious code into vulnerable WordPress websites. The attack is designed to redirect visitors from legitimate pages on the website to fraudulent pages that contain ads and other content related to online gambling and betting services.

The WP-VCD plugin was first discovered by security researchers at Wordfence in April 2020. It has since been identified as part of an ongoing campaign targeting WordPress websites around the world. According to Wordfence, this particular attack is particularly insidious because it uses a combination of techniques that make it difficult for website owners and administrators to detect or remove the malicious code once it has been injected into their site.

First, the attackers use a technique known as “domain shadowing” which allows them to register hundreds of domain names that look similar but have slightly different spellings than legitimate domains associated with popular plugins or themes used by WordPress users. These domains then serve up malicious versions of those plugins or themes which contain hidden code designed specifically for this type of attack.

Once installed on a vulnerable website, these malicious plugins will inject additional scripts into existing webpages on the site which can be used for various purposes such as displaying ads related to online gambling services or redirecting visitors away from legitimate pages on the website towards fraudulent ones hosted elsewhere on the internet. In some cases, these scripts may also be used for more nefarious activities such as stealing user data or installing malware onto visitor computers without their knowledge or consent.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take if your WordPress site has been compromised by this type of attack:

1) Make sure all your plugins and themes are up-to-date – Outdated software is one of the most common causes behind successful attacks like this one so make sure everything you’re running is up-to-date before doing anything else;

2) Scan your site regularly – Use an automated scanner like Wordfence Security Scanner (or any other reputable security scanning tool) regularly scan your entire website looking for suspicious files and activity;

3) Monitor traffic patterns – Keep an eye out for any unusual spikes in traffic coming from certain sources (such as specific countries). If you notice something strange happening with your traffic then investigate further;

4) Remove any suspicious files/plugins immediately – If you find any suspicious files/plugins installed on your server then delete them immediately before they can do any more damage;

5) Contact professional help if needed – If after taking all these steps you still feel unsure about how secure your site is then don’t hesitate contact professional help who specialize in cleaning up hacked websites quickly and efficiently so they can get back online ASAP!

Original source article rewritten by our AI:
