Form Tracking with Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking website performance and user engagement. It can help you understand how visitors interact with your site, what content they find most interesting, and which pages are the most popular. But it can also be used to track form submissions, giving you valuable insights into how users are engaging with your forms.
Form tracking in Google Analytics allows you to measure the success of your online forms by providing detailed data on who’s filling out them out, when they do so, and why they abandon them if they don’t complete them. This information can then be used to optimize the design of your forms and improve their conversion rates.
To get started with form tracking in Google Analytics, first make sure that all of your forms have unique URLs or identifiers associated with them so that each submission can be tracked separately from other submissions on the same page. You should also ensure that any fields within the form are labeled correctly so that their values will appear accurately in analytics reports. Once these steps have been completed, you’ll need to add some code snippets (called “events”) to each page where a form appears using either Universal or Classic Google Analytics tags depending on which version of GA you use:
– For Universal: ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘form-name’, ‘submit’);
– For Classic: _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’,’form-name’,’submit’]);
These events will allow GA to track when someone submits a particular form as well as any additional information about it such as its name or type (e.g., contact us vs newsletter signup). Additionally, if there are multiple steps involved in completing a single form (such as an ecommerce checkout process), then separate events should be added for each step along the way so that progress through those stages can be monitored more closely over time. Finally, if desired custom dimensions/metrics may also be set up within GA itself for further analysis purposes like segmenting data by specific field values or measuring average completion times per session etc..
Once everything has been properly configured within GA itself and coded onto relevant pages/forms accordingly then all future submissions should start appearing automatically under ‘Behavior > Events > Overview’ section within analytics reports – allowing marketers/analysts alike access various types of useful metrics related directly back towards those interactions taking place across their websites/apps etc.. These could include things like total number of successful completions per day/week/month; percentage abandonment rate at certain points throughout processes; average duration spent filling out individual fields etc… Allowing teams better insight into how users engage & interact with different parts thereof enabling smarter decisions around optimization efforts moving forward too!
In conclusion, setting up proper event tracking via Google Analytics is essential for understanding user behavior when it comes to interacting with online forms – whether this involves simple contact us inquiries right through complex multi-step checkouts & registrations processes alike! By leveraging this data effectively businesses gain invaluable insight into customer journeys helping inform smarter decisions around optimization strategies going forward – ultimately leading towards improved conversions & higher ROI’s overall!
Search Engine Journal