Credit card stealer targets WordPress payment plug-ins
Cybercriminals have developed a malicious credit card stealer that is targeting WordPress websites using vulnerable payment plug-ins. The threat was first discovered by security researchers at Sucuri, who reported the attack on their blog. According to their findings, the malware has been designed to target sites running outdated versions of popular ecommerce plugins such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD).
The malicious code is injected into the website’s source code and then attempts to harvest customer data from any form fields related to payments or checkout processes. This includes information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and credit card details. Once this data has been collected it is sent back to an attacker controlled server where it can be used for fraudulent activities such as identity theft or online fraud.
In order to protect against this type of attack it is important for website owners to ensure that they are running up-to-date versions of all software components including themes and plugins. Additionally, they should also consider implementing additional security measures such as two factor authentication (2FA) which requires users entering sensitive information into forms on your site provide an additional layer of protection beyond just passwords alone. Finally, webmasters should regularly monitor their logs for suspicious activity in order to detect any potential intrusions early on before too much damage can be done.
It’s no secret that cyber criminals are constantly looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in websites in order gain access sensitive customer data like credit cards numbers and other personal information . In recent months there have been several reports about attackers targeting WordPress websites with malicious code designed specifically aimed at harvesting financial details from customers making purchases through these sites via vulnerable payment plug-ins . Unfortunately , many businesses remain unaware of the risks posed by these types of attacks until after its too late .
Security researchers at Sucuri recently identified a new strain of malware dubbed “credit card stealer” which appears specifically designed with one purpose – stealing customer credit cards when they make purchases through certain ecommerce plugins like WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). The malicious code works by injecting itself into the website’s source code , allowing it capture any form field related payments or checkout process , including names , address es , phone number s , emails address es and most importantly – credit cards numbers . Once harvested , this stolen data will be sent back an attacker controlled server where it can used various criminal activities ranging from identity theft online fraud .
Fortunately there are steps business owners take protect themselves against these types attacks . First off all its essential keep all software components up date d including themes plugin s so hackers cannot easily exploit known vulnerabilitie s within them . Secondly adding two factor authentication 2FA ) require user enter ing sensitive informations forms provides extra layer protection beyond password alon e Lastly regular log monitoring help detect suspicious activit y early enough prevent major damages being caused due t o intrusion s
Overall while threats like “credit card stealers” may seem daunting small business owners must remember that taking few simple precautionary measure go long way towards protecting themselve s against cybercrime