WordPress Launch of Prison Newspaper Project by Prison Journalism Project

The Prison Journalism Project (PJP) has launched the Prison Newspaper Project, a WordPress-based platform that will allow incarcerated individuals to publish their own newspapers. The project is designed to give inmates an outlet for self-expression and provide them with a sense of purpose while in prison.

The PJP was founded by journalist and professor Barbara Owen, who wanted to create a space where prisoners could share their stories without fear of censorship or retribution from prison authorities. She saw the potential for these stories to be heard outside of prisons walls and decided to launch the Prison Newspaper Project as a way for inmates to have their voices heard.

The project is currently in its pilot phase, with two papers already published: “Inside Out” from California State Prison Solano and “Behind Bars” from San Quentin State Prison. Both papers are available online through WordPress, allowing readers around the world access to these unique perspectives on life behind bars.

In addition to providing an outlet for expression, the PJP also provides educational opportunities for those involved in producing the paper. Inmates can learn about journalism basics such as writing articles, editing copy, designing layouts and managing deadlines — all skills that can help them transition back into society after they are released from prison.

The PJP also works closely with correctional facilities across America so that inmates have access not only to computers but also printers so they can print physical copies of their newspaper within prison walls — something which many prisons do not allow due to security concerns. This allows inmates greater freedom when it comes time for distribution inside prisons since physical copies don’t need internet access like digital ones do; however this does come at a cost since printing costs money which must be raised through donations or other means before each issue can be printed out en masse inside prisons themselves .

The ultimate goal of the PJP is not just about giving prisoners an opportunity express themselves but rather creating meaningful change within correctional systems across America by helping those affected by incarceration become more informed citizens upon release . By providing education resources , offering job training programs , and connecting former prisoners with mentorships ,the hope is that those leaving prison will have better chances at success once they reenter society .

To date ,the response towards both Inside Out & Behind Bars has been overwhelmingly positive ; people are eager hear what incarcerated individuals have say about life behind bars & how we might work together improve our criminal justice system . As Barbara Owen puts it : “We want people understand why mass incarceration exists & how we might work together end it .”

Moving forward ,the team at PJP hopes continue expand reach even further beyond California’s borders & eventually bring similar projects other states throughout US . They’re actively seeking volunteers interested helping out either remotely or locally – if you’d like get involved please visit www dot pjp dot org today !

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